Posts tagged vegan recipes
Easy Vegan Curry Bowl

Less cooking and more chilling this holiday weekend. David and I drove up north an hour and a half outside of the city to relax for the three-day weekend. We bought the ingredients at a local farm stand to make this super simple and satisfying vegan curry bowl. I love this dish because it only requires a few ingredients and minimal prep and cooking time. So you can spend less time in the kitchen and more time out in nature or relaxing on the couch with a good book.


I moved in with David almost two years ago, we live in the Mission District of San Francisco. We share a wall and a beautiful outdoor deck with our neighbors who David has known for 10 years. For the three day weekend, while they stayed in the city, they gave us the keys to their place up in the forest near Sebastopol, CA. We spent yesterday eating at a roadside bakery, driving country roads and wandering redwood groves with trees big enough for us to stand in.


At night when we sleep the quiet is deafening. As city folk we are used to constant street noise, and when you escape for a quiet weekend it can be hard to get used to the quiet at night. Truth be told it took me a while to fall asleep last night, but once I did… I was out! Are used to sleeping with the hum of the city, or the quiet of the country?

We kept meals simple while staying here, and with access to a kitchen we are able to make simple yogurt bowls with local granola, sandwiches with local bakery bread and this easy vegan curry bowl for dinner with veggies purchased from the farm stand down the road. I have had this recipe on repeat for the past two weeks. Enjoy!

Weeknight Vegan Curry Bowl
(serves 2)

3 tablespoons coconut oil
3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 tablespoons minced ginger
1/2 teaspoon coriander
3 teaspoons yellow curry powder
1/2 teaspoon tumeric
can of chickpeas
1 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup veggie broth
1/2 bunch of dino kale, stems removed and chopped
1 cup cooked brown rice
1/2 avocado
Sea salt
Lemon Juice

In a dutch oven heat the oil over medium heat and add the garlic and ginger to cook for a few minutes with the coriander, turmeric and curry powder. Add the chickpeas, veggie broth and coconut milk and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 3-4 minutes to let flavors come together. Add the kale and a pinch of salt and cook for another 5-10 minutes with the lid on to allow the kale to cook and steam. Season with more salt, pepper and a big squeeze of lemon. Serve over 1/2 cup of rice with chopped avocado. 

Recipe adapted from this book, which I highly recommend buying. It has a ton of really great recipes!