Posts tagged overnight oats
The Best Overnight Oats Recipe With Yogurt

Making overnight oats with yogurt is my favorite way to make this creamy breakfast bowl. I hope you enjoy this delicious recipe of mine that I have been making for years!

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Did you know that Bircher Muesli is actually the proper name for soaked and fermented oats? I learned this from a British friend of mine. Also, the proper way to make this gut-boosting bowl is with whole milk dairy yogurt. I like to make mine with Straus Whole Milk Yogurt or Redwood Hill Farm Goat Milk Yogurt. Soaked and fermented oats with yogurt give you a probiotic boost in the morning on an empty stomach, to give you energy and get things moving for the day. These are wonderful for your digestion as well. If you want to make the most delicious bowl of oats there is, here's how you can DO IT.

(serves 2)

1 cup rolled oats

1 cup and 2 tbsp. filtered water (you can also eyeball and add water until it is about 1/2 inch above the oats)

2 big spoonfuls of whole milk yogurt

1 tbsp. sunflower seeds

1 tbsp. pumpkin seeds

2 tbsp. shredded coconut

1 tbsp. raisins (optional)


Mix everything together in a bowl. Cover with a plate and leave out on your counter overnight. I keep my next to my stove for a little warmth, bacteria loves warmer climates. You want the good bacteria from the yogurt to do it's work! You don’t get this magical effect when you make overnight oats with nut milk. The fermentation happens because of the cultures in the yogurt. If you refrigerate you also aren't providing an environment for fermentation. Also if you heat your oats after soaking in yogurt, you will kill any bacteria that has grown. These are meant to be eaten at room temperature!

Overnight Oats, aka Bircher Muesli, is a great breakfast to enjoy any day of the week. Top with honey and fruit of your choice. When I first began my health journey, this was my go to breakfast. I also love it because it keeps me regular :)