Posts tagged detox smoothie
My favorite fruit free smoothie recipe

I have been wanting to create a fruit-free smoothie recipe for some time now. Truth is I always thought I had to add fruit to make a smoothie taste good but I have proved myself wrong with this recipe.  Ok yes, technically an avocado is a fruit but I put this nutritional power house in its own category. You feel me? It adds a perfect creaminess to this absolutely delicious blend.

When we wake up in the morning, the choice that we make for breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. This smoothie contains alkalizing vegetables such as spinach and zucchini, healthy fats from the avocado and protein plus essential amino acids from the collagen peptides.

So why no fruit? There are many reasons to leave fruit out of your morning smoothie. If you suffer from candida fruit can elevate levels of yeast overgrowth in your system. If you have PCOS and are trying to regulate your hormones it is a good idea to lower the amount of fruit in your diet as well. Or maybe you just want to switch it up!

Although don’t make it a habit to take fruit out of your diet.  Last week I was doing a wellness talk at a technology company here in San Francisco and someone from the audience raised their hand and asked if too much fruit is bad for you? And what is too much because she saw something on Instagram.  I have to say, it saddens me to think that social media may have influenced people to think that fruit is bad with the popularity of sugar detoxes.

I am here to tell you that fruit is GOOD FOR YOU and provides vital nutrients and fiber that your body needs. Whole food sugars are different than processed sugars. So please continue to eat and enjoy your fruit (a half of a frozen banana would make a great addition to this smoothie).

-       1 cup unsweetened nut milk
-       ¼ cup filtered water
-       ½ ripe avocado
-       ½ lemon (juice only)
-       ½ large zucchini (raw, sliced and frozen)
-       1 giant handful of spinach
-       1-2 scoops of collagen peptides


Blend in a high speed blender, pour and enjoy!

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